Engineering and Development
From design to production and complete documentation of the manufacturing steps, we are a proven partner for R&D. This is where technical solutions are created that we successfully implement together with our customers.
- In medical technology, Huber Präzisionsmechanik uses user-specific magnetic tooth couplings that are continuously adapted to changing requirements.
- In the field of drive and test bench technology we produce complete clutch trains with adaptation to customer-specific interfaces. Here, especially our HK couplings and clamping hubs are used.
- For pedestrian barriers in various fields of application, such as police, airports, public transport etc., various magnetic tooth couplings have been developed and adapted to the respective requirements.
- Main and auxiliary drives for marine applications are implemented and certified in cooperation with leading classification societies.

Sometimes technical challenges come from completely different areas - as in the case of the BMW Museum Munich: For the kinetic sculpture in the BMW Museum (by Art+Com), we co-developed and manufactured the 714 aluminum balls and the necessary mobile suspension on thin steel cables on behalf of our customer MKT AG in Olching.

Huber product catalog 2019/2020
Everything at a glance!Huber product catalog: HK couplings, slip clutches, miniature couplings, clamping hubs
(Download PDF, 1,2 MByte)